10 Tips For Living The Jungle Life (Wherever Your Are)

10 Tips For Living The Jungle Life (Wherever Your Are)

Happy holidays from the jungle! As 2020 draws to a close (phew, what a bizarre year) we're focusing on gratitude and natural living. Simple things we're grateful for right now? Healing tropical air, nourishing fresh food, family, siestas and fiestas (socially distanced!) with amigos.

We know that travel is risky right now for many free-spirits. We're sending jungle health your way from afar. If you're feeling stuck at home, check out these fun tips to live the jungle life wherever you are!

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A Jungle Love Story and Biomimcry

A Jungle Love Story and Biomimcry

I thought it was love at first sight, but it wasn’t. Lust at first sight? Absolutely. The land cast its spell over me instantly with its gracefully swaying palm trees and flirtatious blossoms. But the reality of actually living in the jungle? Far less sexy. When the time came to spend my first night in the tropical wilderness, my anxiety skyrocketed. What creepy crawlies were out there? What might be lurking in the dark? I was tormented by nightmares and restlessness until dawn. This uneasiness came as a surprise to me. I’d spent most of my life outside; a true tomboy. But for a girl from Quebec, the Mexican jungle was new territory.

Read about my love story with this natural paradise…

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Family Business Dreams: Top Tips from the Jungle Family

Family Business Dreams: Top Tips from the Jungle Family

Has your family been daydreaming about creating a business together? Particularly now, as global circumstances have shifted, you and your loved ones may be brainstorming a “plan B” or a fresh start. Perhaps it’s time to embark on a new family adventure!

For years, my parents and I sat by campfires and dreamed of creating a family business. What exactly? The wild ideas were flowing. We had a lot of arrows and no target! We were passionate multicultural adventurers…how could we translate that into a business?

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Authentic Retreats Globally

Authentic Retreats Globally

Combining their passions, Ale Romei and Susie Brown have curated a collection of authentic Yoga retreat venues that stand out from the rest due to their special energy, design, location and service. As a result they aim to help those in the retreat arena find that special place where they can impart their knowledge and shape positively other people’s lives.

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