Rebuild Climate with Matt Tucker


There has been plenty of discussion recently about how COVID19 is affecting climate change. Many are working/schooling from home, walking/biking instead of driving and are minimizing international travel. There’s also been a widespread toward living more simply—cooking at home, more budget awareness head led to a reduction in excess materialism, etc. Though these shifts have resulted in a daily drop in carbon emissions, there have also been many setbacks and there is still much work to be done.

Matt Tucker is not only passionate about skiing, snowboarding, mountain bike riding, surfing and kite surfing, he’s also committed to climate advocacy. His mission is to “mobilize millions of climate concerned citizens to build the political will to make 2021 the year that our country commits to rebuilding the economy by transitioning to renewable energy.”

inspiration from Matt here:

Tell us about your wild businesses! What was your inspiration to create Rebuild Climate?

Rebuild Climate’s mission is to build the political will through grassroots activism to make the transition to renewable energy a reality. We are at a critical crossroads in 2020 and 2021. In 2020, we need to elect climate champions to local, state and national offices so that in 2021 they can put our country back to work by enacting laws that will set us on the path towards transitioning our economy to renewable energy.

What do you wish you’d known prior to getting started as a Wildpreneur? 

Social media is now a pay to play medium. The days of creating an organic following are largely over.

What advice would you give to someone who is considering turning their passion into a business?

Just do it! If you have passion, you will most likely succeed. Use the internet ... you can learn anything online these days. Reach out to friends for help. You’ll be amazed at what your friends will be willing to do for you!

Do you have a favorite motivational quote?

Matt Tucker Eastern Sierra.jpeg

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”, Robert Swan, Arctic explorer and climate activist.

Describe your perfect day as a Wildpreneur.

Wake up and go for a mountain bike ride or back-country ski. Then come back home and get in front of the computer and dig into some climate activism.

Anything else you’d like to share about your journey?

I started getting very concerned about climate change back in 2006 when Al Gore’s movie Inconvenient Truth came out. So I went out and put solar panels on the roof of my home and bought a Prius, but I didn’t know what else I could do. In 2018, I became aware of Citizens’ Climate Lobby. They empower everyday citizens’ to lobby Congress to put a price on carbon. They taught me that everyone can make a difference on climate change and that the most important contribution you can make is to get politically active.

What are you working on right now? 

The next phase for Rebuild Climate is critical. We all need to work really hard over the 90 (or less) days we have until the election to make sure Biden is our next president, and that Democrats control both houses of Congress. The Democrats have already come out with detailed plans for how they are going to put our country back to work by supercharging the energy transition, but this critical work won’t happen if they aren’t in control.  After the election, our focus will change to making sure that the Dems stay focused and enact their plans into legislation.

Where can we follow you? Please share your website, Instagram, Facebook, etc.